Navy/Marines Achievement Mini Medal

Price: $6.99

Navy/Marines Achievement Mini Medal, Presented to US Navy and Marine Corps.

curInventory) { // Whoops! Not enough inventory! var s = (curInventory==1)? '':'s'; alert('Sorry, but we only have '+curInventory+' item'+s+' in stock. You may only choose up to that many items.'); $('#qty').val(curInventory).focus(); return false; } // Just a small "are you sure" if(quantity >= 99) { if(!confirm('Are you sure you want this quantity?')) { $('#qty').val(1); return false; } } // Submit form if everything is good return true; } else { // Invalid! alert('Please select a value for each product option.'); invalidField.focus(); return false; } }); // Image swap function updateProduct() { $.post('', $('#options-form').serialize(), function(data) { curInventory = Number(data.inventory); // Defaults $('.add-cart-btn').show(); $('.stock-amount').show(); $('.quantity-field').show(); // No Tracking if (data.inventory === '') { curInventory = false; $('.stock-amount').hide(); // Out of Stock } else if (data.inventory == 0) { $('.stock-amount span').text('Out Of Stock'); $('.add-cart-btn').hide(); $('.quantity-field').hide(); // Stock Available } else { $('.stock-amount span').text(data.inventory); } if(data.image_url) { $('.main-img img').attr('src', data.image_url); $('.main-img a').attr('href', data.image_url).css('background-image', 'url('+data.image_url+')'); } if (data.price) { // Pad with zeros var cents = data.price.toString().split('.'); // Note: toString() needed for IE if (cents[1]==null) data.price += '.00'; // No cents at all else if (cents[1].length == 1) data.price += '0'; // Divisible by ten var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD', }); $('span.price').html(formatter.format(data.price)); } // If any option hasn't yet been set, we should NOT show the "out of stock" message var notSelected = false; var options = $('#options-form select'); if (options.length>1) for (var i=0; iRemove from Wish List'); $('#wishStatus').val(data.inWishlist); } else { $('#wishlist').html('Add to Wish List'); $('#wishStatus').val('no'); } } else { $('#wishlist').hide(); $('#wishlistStatus').val('no'); } }, 'json'); } $('#options-form select').change(function() { updateProduct(); }); /* $('#options-form select').change(function() { options = []; $('#options-form select').each(function() { //options = $(this).attr('id'); console.log($(this).attr('id')); //selectedOption = $(this).children('option:selected').attr('value'); console.log($(this).children('option:selected').attr('value')); options[$(this).attr('id')] = $(this).children('option:selected').attr('value'); }); console.log(options) console.log('^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'); }); */ //$('#options-form select').change(function() { /* $.post('', $('#options-form').serialize(), function(data) { if(data.inventory_count) { console.log(data.inventory_count); } }); */ // }); updateProduct(); $('#wishlist').click(function() { // See if there is an index id (or "No" for not in wishlist yet) var inWishlist = $('#wishStatus').val(); // If item is not in wishlist yet. if (inWishlist == 'no') { $.post('', $('#options-form').serialize(), function(data) { if (data.success) { $('#wishMsg').fadeIn(); $('#wishMsg').html('✓ Added to Wish List') $('#wishStatus').val(data.indexId); $('#wishlist').html('Remove from Wish List'); setTimeout("hideWishMsg()", 3000); } else { alert('Could not add item to Wish List.'); } }, 'json'); } else { // Remove Item based off Index ID (inWishlist) $.post(''+inWishlist+'/true', function(data) { $('#wishMsg').fadeIn(); $('#wishMsg').html('X Removed from Wish List'); $('#wishStatus').val('no'); $('#wishlist').html('Add to Wish List'); setTimeout("hideWishMsg()", 3000); }, 'json'); } }); // Hide the wishlist msg function hideWishMsg() { $('#wishMsg').fadeOut(); } // check currInventory vs quantity wanted /* $('#options-form').submit(function() { $currInventory = $('#inventoryAvailable').val(); $quantityWanted = $('#qty').val(); // Still have to check if the value of currInventory is an empty string or not. if($quantityWanted > $currInventory) { alert('We are sorry, there are only '+$currInventory+' left in stock.'); } }); */